If you'd just understand what I'm going through .
Hi all , it was just another normal day for me today , nothing special except for our first NOINOI gathering at Pizza Hut . Have been eating pizza hut for quite long y'know . I LOVE NOINOI ; berlin , yingjie , wanxin . These three woman are always thereee for me and you know whaaat , I LOVE THEM MORE THAN YOU . Okay aww , they must be feeling so honoured I'm posting this on my awesomeeee blog . And seriously , I wonder why boys can sleep earlier than me . It's like y'know , midnight is also considered lateee ?! I thought boys would always stay up like freaking late to watch soccer or whatever but yeah .. OHEMGEE , guess whaaaat ; MBLAQ IS COMING BACK TO SINGAPORE LIKE IN 4JUNE ! I really hope I can go , but I guess it's like our common tests period , hell you school . Losing my mind for everything ; life , love , idols , studies and etc . I don't like all these stuffs I'm going through . Sharing and copying isn't what I like , seriously . Can't you get your own oneee ?! It's either you love me toooo much , or you know you've no potential and I have . Oh and well , I think we're gonna catch a movie or something this Friday ; RIO ! Hahahaa , some stupid bird show lionel suggested and yeah , I'm so gonna pinch him if the birds scare me yah .
PS: I've salonpas all over my body ; muscle ache like some bitch .
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