I'll show you who is the boss .
Was a pleasant day till assembly and got so omg irritated and yeah it was fun after that . Zoom in to assembly ; Celine Jessandra came to my school . For god's sake , increase the number of casual fans in school . My last year in school and they say 'gonna have kpop dance as CCA' . Totally , FUCK'EM ! And I'm pretty sure all those casual fans will join and start saying 'I LOVE SHINEE , I LOVE SUPER JUNIOR , I LOVE ...' And again , FUCK'EM ! Furthermore , none of them can really dance for god's sake , this stupid crappy CCA will just merely equate to FAIL . Next , the word 'KPOP' and so many idiots started screaming . Never hear of this word before ? In addition , names and pictures of bands said and appeared , screams were heard again . It's not like as if they're freaking here in person . And just wondering , how many of you actually saw them live before , just a few so the rest just shut your mouth . Idiots screamed when kpop songs and played and yeah , how many of you actually know the lyrics , the dance steps or even know the song and who sang it . Yeah , all of you know 'SHINEE - LUCIFER , RDD then SUJU - BONAMANA then SNSD - HOOT' and then , the others ? What about the 2NE1 song , the DBSK song , the After School song ? After the assembly , everybody was so high and they said 'oh I want to join the dance' . Oh yeah FUCK'EM , I was once their student when NONE knows about them so don't try to act in front of my face before I show you my bloody finger . I freaking hell joined them in 2008 , which was like 3 years back and now you know , a bit slow ah . And now increasing amount of casual fans in school , with kpop badges all over their bags . Omg , can't express how irritated I really am ! Just hope kpop will die , seriously die like asap pleasee ! Ah okay , enough of our shitty assembly . After school , I went town with deardear and kuku , talked over lunch and icecream with SHOPPING ! Then my arsehole tutor cancelled tuition , like last minute . So yeah went chambers to watch 'The Proposal' and sipped a little on lionel's Gong Cha . It isn't thaaat nice either so yeaah .
PS/ To all casual kpop fans , please know your limits .