I love Adam Khoo's Workshop like omg seriously . I especially love Gary Lee ! Omg he is serious and hilarious , I love it when he smiles . Omg he is actually quite cute y'know but he is married . I learnt a lot of things throughout these 3 days of 39hours workshop . This is the BEST workshop ever , no wonder we've to pay so much luh . I really hoped it was some sort of 3 days camp instead but unfortunately nopee . I know I won't be seeing these instructors again , but still I'm really grateful for whatever they had taught us , I've learnt to appreciate others more , especially my loved ones . I got pretty emotional yesterday and today , cried like nobody's business and I thank Wanxin , Yingjie , Julia and Rene for being there . 5 of us had been hanging out together these 3 days and they're really awesome people . I love laughing at others together with the 4 of them and we can go really crazeeey ! As for my closest friend , I missed her a lot seriously . Well we haven't been spending time with each other lately and it felt a little weird y'know . Yes this person is none other than my deardear , leeqiantingberlin . You know I really love you alrighht . Aww man now I'm missing my instructors , gerald , bong , trina and especially gary ! I'll try to put my time into good use and study hard for O's , make you guys be proud of actually guiding me to the correct path and make my mum proud of me .
PS/ I miss Gary .
PS// I miss ......boy .
PS/// I miss deardear , I love you .
PS//// I love you mummy .
PS///// I love you daddy , hope you can see this in heaven .
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