Hey sup dudes , today was a rather boring day for me . School sucked as usual , exams screwed as usual , slacking like no tomorrow as usual . Honestly speaking , I really hate it when there is nowhere to go and everybody just slack in the canteen or something . Alright , deardear came my house then we went to ate POPEYES . People fly aeroplanes as usual , they fly machiam one pro , machiam one professional pilot . Omg and do you know how much I love Popeyes , VERY MUCH . Okay , met Samuel and Novena and so on , and guess what , deardear was acting shy , so not like her . Went eat dinner with him cos tutor cancelled our tuition , but I didn't eat though . Walked around town then headed home , and I slept from 7plus till 10plus , zai only .

BGIRLS , OMG I LOVE THEM LIKE NO TOMORROW ! They're the most awesome people to hang out with and they're really too fun to be with , love these girls .
MY DEAREST DEARDEAR ! I really love her like yes I'll only say this once to make you happy , and she is one of the most important person in my lifeee ! We heart to heart like almost every day and she is one whom I can really tell everything and anything under the sky .
MY SUPER CLOSE FRIEND , HELL YEAH . I love this woman but she love me more y'know . It's always retarded with her around and it's really more retarded than whatever you can imagine ! Totally glad to have someone like her in lifeee .
OMG I LOVE HER AND HER DIMPLES ! She is such an awesome friend and it's always fun with her around . We can get really retarded at times , and now she is always OWNED BY ME YAY ! We're from the same gang cos we had similar tattoos , we're ah benggg !
OH EX-LAOPO ! I love this woman like a lot too , she is really an awesome friend but too bad , she's too kind and stuffs . She trust like almost everybody , and everybody is important to her . She's always bullied and made used of , so sad righht , but I still love her .
OH AND I LOVE MY TATTOO ! MY 'ROSYHEART' GANG ! So gay omg , but I love it ! Aww , my tattoo is going to fade off soon , omg noooo .
Hahahaaa aww woman so touched righht . Love you too ! <3