Baby , thankyou for all the wonderful memories you've given me in th past one year , 11months , 17days . I've never known that someone can actually be so important to me . For all these years , i've been idolizing many idols , but i can assure you , you're the only special one . You're the one that i've really been looking out for among all of them . My feelings towards you is just different from the others . Baby , iloveyou and i seriously meant it . Times and times , again and again , i recall all the scenes that encounter both of us . It's just like a miracle to me , a very quick and sweet dream , the best dream i've ever had . Telling myself all this are all so true , they're not just dreams . To be able t know you and love you was already my honour , but things just doesnt stop here as my love for you was too strong . Fate made this arrangement for us to meet each other .
The very first time when our eyes met , 30th January 2010 , late morning/early afternoon .Although there was a window in between us , i can actually felt th intense , the high voltage electricity you're giving me . My heart was beating like crazy , i went on cloud nine when you actually smiled at me . Your killer smile , it is totally your sexy smile . Hoping that the memory wont end that soon , i chased after the mini-bus as it drove off . Running as fast as my legs could carry me , i was always by your side , never wanting t leave you even for a second . However , things dont only turn out th way i always wanted . I've been waiting for more and more chances to be able t meet you . I've seen you , but have you seen me after the first time ? I kept wondering , really hoping we'll meet , not just me looking at you .
I really thank god for the fansigning . It was the second time our eyes met , 31st January 2010 .I still can remember very clearly , how close we were .It is just one table away . You were scannning through what i wore . Our hands were as close as a letter-distance away . Thankyou for taking my letter from me , directly . It was the first time you signed the album specially for me . It was the very first time i heard your voice , without any microphones or edited sounds , it is just purely your voice , you said 'kamsahapnida' (thankyou) with your sexy smile again . I was really stunned , but with my biggest smile of my life , i slit my heart for you . There is now a scar from you and it will never disappear for my entire life . Things just didnt end this soon .Once again , our eyes met for the third time at the oh-joonsung concert , 1st February 2010 .You saw my light-stick waving frantically in the , holding my board , shouting for you . Thankyou for looking at me for that two seconds when you were singing Countdown . Then there was an autograph session after the concert , it was the fourth time our eyes met .You were humming a tune , and i seriously felt your strong passion for singing . You smiled at me brightly , not the sexy smile , but a bright smile . It was the first time i saw th mole on your chest too .
Before the concert on 2nd February 2010 , i went to the loading/unloading bay to wait for your mini-bus to fetch you to esplanade . You didnt see me at first , but when i really chased the mini-bus alll the way out , you saw me clearly , just for that three seconds on me . It was the fifth time our eyes met again . Unable to resist th temptation , i bought tickets for th concert on 2nd February 2010 , in order hear you sing again . Although you can see me at all as i was at th really darker side of the hall , i can see you really clearly . You're shining so brightly that it is impossible for me to not see it . You left for the airport and i followed . At the airport , you didnt lift your head up t look at fans .You were just bending your head slightly lower , smiling to yourself . I went over and place my left hand on your right biceps . I didnt squeeze it , hoping you wont feel uncomfortable . The touch was unforgettable . For the whole month after you left , my heart was still having troubles , thinking too much about you . Those incidents were all in my head . Not long after , you came Singapore again . I went , and i doubt you saw me this time round , but as said , you're just shining too brightly that it is impossible for me not to see you . I sang a birthday song for you during the showcase on 14th March 2010 . That was the very last time i saw you .
Now you're busy with your second album , your schedules seems really hectic . Do remember t rest more no matter what , take care of yourself . Now , i'm awaiting for your second album , wondering what the new concept would be like . Jonghyun oppa , dont be too sad about Yoogeun leaving too . I'm sure he'll never forget SHINee appas !
(It's twelve midnight in Korea now , that's why it's baby's birthday already.)