it's this word 'friendship' that makes us keep going .
school as per normal , elective geography teacher finally came . :D
well , i felt kindof embarrassed being in th class .
perhaps th geog teacher , mdm yeo , feels that we're damn bloody good cos we're 3a/b .
well , i got in for no reason . :/ she expect all of us t get like Bs and stuffs ?
well , i got an E8 for geog last year . what is this all about being in a B-class ?
i hate it for being in a class with sch HIGH expectations . bloody faggart .
my sister got a 9 for her 'o' levels . its really not bad huh .
this has made my stress level go UP !
well , my mum wants me t do better than her when i know its impossible . :/
damned , whats with all this damned adults .
didnt they think bout their children having this bloody stress ?
texting : xuwei & didi .
msning : none .
thinking of : bloody stress .
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