omfg , class chalet was AWESOME !
imagine , 16 people sleeping together in th first night and 14 people in th second night .
how cool can it be ?
and well , almost our whole class is there , isnt it ?
1dec ;
met up with jiamin then met rene .
took rene's parents' car t pasir ris and meet with th rest .
checked in ,
we went ehub t slack .
played th rider thing . :D it as awesome !
then rebecca came with all th bbq food .
started bbq earlier then expected .
i ate loads of satay ! :D
then slacked in th chalet ,
went ehub , some went t bowl , some went arcade !
i went acarde , danced para para !
omfg , i'm so good , cant believe it . :P
went back t chalet and tried t sleep at around 12.30 ?
tried but cant , :/
yeowliang and rebecca is alrd in their sleeps .
th rest of us went macs .
some went home , ryan , weeyang and marcus went back t chalet .
then th rest of us went t th carpark .
we went there t play truth or dare . :D
jiamin , melissa , julia , rene , wivaldy , jurgen , wesley , andrew , joshua , kojak and me !
sorry if i left anyone out . :/
we called ourselves th MIDNIGHT SOCIETY ! :D
its damn awesome kays .

lie on th carpark floor ! :D
then we went back at 2 .
i only managed t sleep at 2.30 .
lol , 16 people trying t sleep on 4 single beds ?
some people ton th night .
then some only slept in th morning .
i slept and woke up cos th boys came in . -.-
they are super noisy , seriously .
woke up 5times in my sleep thanks t th guys .
volleyball girls woke up at 6.30-7 .
i'm th last t wake up . :D
sorry ah ,
then brush up and walked t haising sec .
waited for mrchen and th other volleyball girls who didnt overnight .
then had friendly with them .
went back t chalet at around 10 .
waited for msheng , jolene and samantha till around 1 .
then we went wild wild wet . :D
it was awesome !
all th guys were half naked . :P
well , then played till around 5 ?
went t food court t have our dinner .
then everyone went back for a nap .
it was super squeezy , i swear .
i was sleeping beside berlin and kojak .
was supposed t wake up at 7 .
like hell , we only sleep at 6.30 .
they tried t wake everyone up but i only woke up at 8 . :D
then went ehub , but none wants t bowl .
then went t th bicyle rental place , but it wasnt open .
went back t chalet and watched singapore idol and dang wo men tong zai yi qi . :D
jiamin , melissa , joshua , ryan and me went ehub arcade t play .
played daytona , i'm a PRO ! :D
haha , then met th others at th carpark at 12 for our truth or dare .
rebecca and yeowliang is in their sleeps again .
had more people joining th midnight society . :D
those people stated before , except for wivaldy and jurgen .
then with more people like , ryan , weeyang , marcus , jolene , yingjie and samantha . :D
YAY ! :D
then went back chalet t slack .
played cards . :D
listening t music and yeah .
was so tired , then listened music and lie on kojak's back t sleep .
jiamin listened music and lie on wesley's back t sleep .
then melissa also listened music and lie on yeowliang's back t sleep .
haha , how cool !

took this picture , then went macs at around 3 ?
ate fries and slacked .
got really very tired and went back chalet .
this time , everyone slept .
i was sleeping between kojak and ryan . :D
slept at around 4.30 .
kojak kicked me !!! -.-
then he took th whole blanket which is supposed t be shared by th 3 of us .
rawr , ryan woke up trying t pull th blanket from him .
i woke up and tried too but cant .
then ryan went t find a bedsheet , then i shared it with him .
everyone woke up at around 8 .
i was th last 4th t wake up .
woke up at around 9 . :D
then everyone brush up and pack stuffs .
everyone was ready at 9.30 but we only checking out at 10.30 .
weeyang slept on th bed at th side ,
some on th bed watching cookie monster and elmo .
then some was playing psp and watching them play .
kojak and i slept on th bed .
we're really too tired .
then checked out at 10.30 , went burger king for breakfast . :D
then went home by mrt .
14 of us took up one whole cabin in th train . awesome .
many people were caught sleeping heh !
credit all th melissa ! :D

kojak wong , asleep ! :D

marcus koa , asleep ! :D

joshua dillion , asleep ! :D

wesley neo , asleep ! :D

ho yeowliang , asleep ! :D
haha , unglam . :D
then everyone went home . :D
melissa , joshua , andrew and me alight at redhill .
me and melissa waited for their bus then went home ! :D
homed at around 1 . :D
oh , i used computer and bathed , eat and so .
slept at around 4 then woke up at 8.30 . :D
rawr , i didnt know i slept that long .
its a long post indeed heh . :D
will upload more pictures !
FYI : marcus , rebecca , rene and (i forgot who luh) SNORES ! :DD
well , this really shows how united everyone is .
at first i thought everybody will be so childish enough t seperate boys and girls .
but our unity made us a class , we are not childish too !
nights everyone ! :D
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