예압 뻬베ㅎ
잘지내셨나요 ㅎ
우리의 누나들과 산소들과 미녀들과 줄리엣과 링딩동들? 응?
제가 이렇게 오랜만에 프샤로 여러분에게 인사를 드린 이유는!!!
오늘이 저희 샤이니의 데뷔 2주년이기 때문입니다!!!
2년이라는 짧은 시간 동안 여러분을 만나고~ 무대를 함께 만들어 나가면서 많은 추억이 있었죠~
저희의 데뷔~ 그리고 첫 1위~리팩키지 앨범과 첫 미니앨범~ 그리고 첫 3주 연속 1위까지~
우리가 2년 동안 함께 이룬 것들이라구요 ^^
아직 갈 길이 많이 남아지만 여러분들과 함께라면 겁나는 게 없어요…!!!!
앗.. 손발이…………………….;
샤이니 월드 !!
보고 이쒀여!?!?!
앞으로 더 잘 해보자구요~ㅎㅎ
고맙고 사랑해
내 사람들…♥
Hello this is SHINee’s Bling Bling Jonghyun~!
It has been a really long time since the last From SHINee!!
Yep bbebe ㅎ
Have you been well ㅎ
Our Nunas and Oxygens and Beauties and Juliettes and RingDingDongs? Hmm?
The reason why I am greeting you all after all this time through From SHINee!!!
Is exactly,,,,
Because today is SHINee’s 2 year anniversary since our debut!!!
In the short period of 2 years we met all of you~ and there have been many good memories as we created a stage together and moved forward~
Our debut~ and our first 1st place~ repackage album and first mini album~ and even wining 1st place for 3 weeks straight for the first time~
These are things we have accomplished together during the past 2 years ^^
There is still more to travel down this road but if it is with you all then I have nothing to fear…!!!!
Ack.. my hands and feet…………………..;
SHINee World !!
Are you watching!?!?!
Let’s try to do better in the future~ㅎㅎ
Thank you and I love you
My people…♥
*credits : http://shineesingapore.wordpress.com/
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